Landlord-Tenant Attorney in NYC
Being a property owner is an excellent way to earn some extra money. There is never a shortage of people looking to lease. However, like any other business, there can be unforeseen issues. You may find yourself needing to evict a tenant or dealing with demanding clients. Whatever the case is, it is essential to have a landlord-tenant attorney. What are some of the benefits associated with hiring a landlord-tenant attorney in NYC?
What Can a Landlord-Tenant Attorney in NYC Do For Me?
Eases the legal burden
Let's face it, most people do not know so much about law, and as a landlord, you are no exception. You may face legal challenges such as drafting a tenancy agreement, the need to evict a troublesome client, or even handling a lawsuit. In such a case, unless you have law knowledge, your input will not do much. Hiring an attorney will help ease the burden as they will ensure you and your properties are safeguarded.
Helps in handling eviction
Landlords can handle evictions by themselves, especially if they know what they are doing. But at times, even with years of experience as a landlord, you can end up in a mess by trying to handle an eviction by yourself. The law is particular, and even evictions need to be explicitly done, and an attorney is the best person to take this. If the tenant you evict hires a lawyer, you may not be able to handle the case on your own. In case you decide to represent yourself, you may not know how to question and exhibit. As a non-trained individual, you may be disadvantaged if a tenant hires a lawyer and further disadvantaged if you go to court.
A greater understanding of the law
A landlord-tenant attorney in NYC understands the intricacies and procedures of handling a landlord-tenant case. Other than that, most courts meet daytime, and in exceptional circumstances, they can meet at night. The attorney representing you can appear in court on your behalf. You will only be needed in court when the case proceeds to trial and when you go to testify. Hiring an attorney enables you to get the job done and handled efficiently.
Saves you money
You cut on costs and save time by hiring an expert to handle your legal woes. As a business owner, you can multitask. You can address any aspect of your business; however, it makes more sense to spend on an expert to handle an area that is not your expertise. If you are not highly conversant with residential or commercial law, you may end up spending and wasting more money trying to represent yourself in a case that may not even require a trial. As long as you hire an expert to handle your legalities, you never have to worry about the past coming to haunt you.
Ability to handle diverse and unique cases
As a landlord, you can handle simple evictions or possible lawsuits through mediation or litigation. However, from time to time, you may be presented with a problematic case, and when this happens, no matter how long you have spent poring over law books, you may not be able to handle it. Attorneys come with experience and insights that a book does not have.