Evictions in NYC have to follow specified procedures for them to be legal.
There are various reasons a landlord might choose to evict a tenant in The Bronx, just as there are different types of notices and procedures for the different eviction reasons. Then you may need an eviction lawyer Bronx NY.
Each eviction process follows the same procedure by and large, and this article will describe said procedures.
Bronx Evictions
Drafting and Serving the Legal Papers
This is the first step of the eviction process. Since there are different eviction scenarios, it is important that you thoroughly discuss the situation in question with a seasoned lawyer as it will ensure that you choose the best approach to the situation, that the legal papers are properly worded, and that they capture your desires at the time. For example, some cases will require specially written notices while others would require predicate notices.
After the papers have been properly drafted, a process server then serves the papers to the tenant in question.
The Case Goes To Court
After the legal papers have been served, the case is assigned to one of the different judges who handle such cases. The date for the hearing is usually within 10 days of the papers being served. You must be in court at this first hearing, or you are liable to lose the case. If you happen to have an eviction case in the Bronx area, it is in your best interests to get some of the best eviction lawyers in the Bronx to ensure that everything goes your way. Depending on the building, you’d be needing any of the following documents for the imminent court case:
A certified copy of the deed and/or the original lease
A certified copy of the Multiple Dwelling Registration (MDR) or,
A certified copy of the DHCR registration (apartment detail).
The Trial Phase
A case that can’t be settled in court will then proceed to the Trial Part in the Housing Court. In most cases, the cases are tried on the same day, so you want to get a battle-tested landlord-tenant lawyer Bronx ny. With such a lawyer in your corner, you will be better prepared for whatever happens at the trial. Trial preparation also includes getting the necessary documents, evidence, and witnesses ready.
Tenant Eviction in The Bronx
This occurs when you get a settlement, or you win at the trial. You'd need to obtain a warrant of eviction from the Court Clerk's Office, and a City Marshall and a Warrant Clerk will be involved in the process. After the warrant has been issued, a notice of eviction will be served by the Marshall. NYC evictions are often effected within 10 of the eviction notice being served.
Contact the best eviction lawyers in the Bronx
Do you need advice about evicting a tenant in the Bronx? Or you need the services of a seasoned lawyer to help with landlord-tenant issues? Stark Law PLLC is ready to help. We offer a free fifteen-minute consultation with an experienced attorney for NYC landlords. Take advantage of this offer today by calling NY’s leading landlord-tenant law firm at 866-325-089.
Landlord Tenant Attorney Bronx NY
Lawyer for Landlord Tenants dispute Bronx NY